St Enoder Baptisms 1696 to 1705

Day Month Year Forename Surname Sex Father Forename Mother Forename Abode Father Occupation Register Notes Transcriber Notes
09-Apr 1696 Francis Williams? son Jn Rebecah?

15-Apr 1696 William Williams son James Catherine

26-Apr 1696 Nicholas Williams son Jo Rebecca?

Entry difficult to read
02-May 1696 Jacob Jenking son Jacob Ma---

both for the Kings Rate
03-May 1696 William Randle son Richard

Born 9 Apr,both for the kings rule
24-May 1696 Grace Perkin dau Thomas Margery

26-Jun 1696 James Luke? son John

Entry difficult to read
05-Jul 1696 Will Gomer son Will

26-Jun 1696 Jn Flamanke son Jn Ann

Born 26 Jun Entry difficult to read
07-Jul 1696 Walter Rawling son Will

01-Aug 1696 Florence Barns base dau

19-Aug 1696 Anne Sambly dau Will Jan

04-Sep 1696 Jon Bennet son Jon Cath

29-Sep 1696 Jon Rickett son Hen Jane

18-Oct 1696 Susanna Grose dau John

16-Dec 1696 William Polsew son Will Eliz

03-Jan 1696 Christian Grose dau Saml

Father's name difficult to read
03-Jan 1696 John? Pool son Francis Eliz

09-Feb 1696 Melchizedeck Woon son Richard

14-Feb 1696 Catherine Williams alias Besw---- dau Robt

07-Mar 1696 Margery Woon dau Charles Margery

09-Mar 1696 Elizabeth Parking dau Jon Eliz

Mar 1696 Mary Bice dau Jon Mary

18-Apr 1697 Jon Cole son Tipett

22-May 1697 Thomas & Gabriell Sheire sons Thomas Elizabeth

07-Jun 1697 Barbara Rickard dau Edward

Entry difficult to read
27-Jun 1697 James Morrish son Thomas

29-Jun 1697 Joan Merrifield dau Tho

30-Jun 1697 Anne Martin dau Anthony

02-Jul 1697 Elizabeth Williams dau Rich Elinore

04-Jul 1697 Richard Woon son Nicholas Elizabeth

18-Jul 1697 James Morrish son Tho Mary

Entry crossed out
25-Jul 1697 John Sparke son John

10-Aug 1697 Mary Bassett dau Jon Philip

20-Aug 1697 Joan Cole dau Jon Grace

01-Nov 1697 Nicholas Phillips son Nich ?---

27-Nov 1697 Humphry Kent son Thos Grace

28-Dec 1697 Anne Jenkin dau Jacob

07-Jan 1697 Thos Jenkin son James Jane

Feb 1697 Rickard Warren son Nich Joan

20-Feb 1697 Tabytha Carveth dau Eusebius

26-Feb 1697 Elizabeth Rawling dau William Jane

02-Apr 1698 Margarett Cundy dau Nathaniel Dorothy

25-Apr 1698 Mary Nichols dau Tho Alse Nulin

17-May 1698 Ruchard Gomor son Will

21-May 1698 Philip Rickard son Henrey

19-Jun 1698 Grace Leeky dau John Grace

20-Jun 1698 Thomas Sheare son Thomas

07-Jul 1698 James Pokenhoen


22-Oct 1698 Elizbeth Artter
Francies ?----

27-Nov 1698 Edward Benet son John Catheren

18-Dec 1698 William Flamanke son John Anne of this pish Gent

15-Jan 1698 Grace Bise dau Nicholas

19-Mar 1698 Alice Pearce dau Isaack Alice

05-Apr 1699 Mary Whitburne dau John Mary

16-Apr 1699 Margret Williams dau John Rebekah

16-Apr 1699 Mary Woone dau Robert Mary

23-Apr 1699 Dorothy ?---- dau James ?----

Surname cut off
30-Apr 1699 John Andrew son Thomas Effe

07-May 1699 Tiburt Col-- son Tiburt Febe

Tight Binding
13-May 1699 Thomas Hob--- son Niklas Frances

Tight binding
18-Jun 1699 Stephen Polsue son William Elizabeth

09-Jul 1699 Grace Me--- dau Thomas Amy

Tight binding
02-Jul 1699 Richard Rick--- son Edward Barbra

Tight binding
29-Jul 1699 Mary Gru--- dau Edward Cathren

Tight binding
09-Sep 1699 Mary Thomas dau Philip Mary

19-Sep 1699 Thomas Parker son John Elizabeth

07-Oct 1699 Arundle Strangwaies son Robert Catherine

14-Oct 1699 Gabriel Sheare son Thomas Elizabeth

23-Nov 1699 John Barns son John Sarah

27-Nov 1699 Nicholas Woone son Nicholas Elizabeth

19-Dec 1699 Rose Woodman dau Joseph Margarett

24-Dec 1699 Anthony Row son Sampson Susanah

26-Dec 1699 Phillipi Roberts dau Isaak Susanah

01-Jan 1699 Henary Williams son Richard Elenar

08-Jan 1699 Michael Gomow son William Agnus

17-Jan 1699 Joseph Warren son Nichloas Jone

28-Jan 1699 Mary Rowlen dau William Jone

24-Feb 1699 Jone Williams dau James Ann

22-Mar 1699 John Husband son John Vsula Newland

30-Mar 1700 Mary Poole dau Francis Elizabeth

27-Apr 1700 Dorothy Vercoe dau John Ann

27-Apr 1700 Elizabeth Bassett dau John Phillipi

30-Apr 1700 Thomas Morrish son Thomas Anne

12-May 1700 Joseph Hawkey son Anthony Margarett

21-May 1700 Charles Woone son Charles Margery

05-Jul 1700 Mary Shapter dau John Mary

07-Jul 1700 Catherine Bennett dau John Catherine

21-Jul 1700 Henery Flamanke son John Anne

20-Aug 1700 William Thomase son Phillip Mary

May 1700 Robert Martyn son Anthony

Date out of order
22-Sep 1700 Joan Sparke dau John

12-Oct 1700 William Leverton son George

01-Nov 1700 Anthony Grose son Sam

10-Nov 1700 Elizabeth Rich dau Degory

27-Dec 1700 John Cole son John

06-Jan 1700 Nicholas Rickard son Henry

26-Jan 1700 Peter Beswallow son James

26-Jan 1700 Grace Beswallow dau Rob

09-Feb 1700 Rebecca Cundy dau Nath

16-Feb 1700 Will Williams son Rich

05-Mar 1700 Jane Woodman dau Joseph

19-Mar 1700 Will Luke son John

06-Apr 1701 Ann Cole base child

01-May 1701 James Jenkin son James

08-Jul 1701 Beatrix Andrew dau Tho

20-Jul 1701 Mallachy Bice son Nic

05-Oct 1701 Richard Hawkey son Anthony

21-Dec 1701 Henry Angove son Rich

29-Nov 1701 Mary Strangway dau Mr Robert

Date out of order
26-Dec 1701 Mary Merefill dau Tho

15-Feb 1701 Grace Williams dau Rich

01-Mar 1701 Nicolas Cole son Tiburt

01-Mar 1701 Ann Barns dau John

01-Mar 1701 Digory Cunny base child

25-Mar 1701 Philip Thomas son Philip

19-Apr 1702 Philemon Williams son John

26-Apr 1702 Eliz Cundy dau Humphrey

17-May 1702

No Christian name given
01-Aug 1702 Mary Werren dau Nic

20-Sep 1702 Eliz Woon dau Robert

11-Oct 1702 Peter Roberts son Isaack

29-Nov 1702 Tho Rawlin son Will

26-Dec 1702 Amy Gummer dau Will

09-Jan 1702 Edward Morrice son Tho

Date out of order
26-Dec 1702 Eliz Harris dau James

29-Dec 1702 Ann Woon dau Charles

15-Jan 1702 Eliz Williams dau James

10-Feb 1702 Honour Varcoe dau Robert

19-Feb 1702 Eliz Buckingham dau Daniel

28-Feb 1702 Ann Bice dau Nic

24-Feb 1702 Richard Shaptor son Mr John

Surname difficult to read
03-Mar 1702 Ann Carveth dau Eusebius

10-Mar 1702 Richard Woodman son Joseph

29-Mar 1703 Mary Williams dau Stephen

04-Apr 1703 Grace Varcoe dau John

11-Apr 1703 John Basset son John

11-Apr 1703 Richard Pool son Francis

03-Aug 1703 Sampson Beswallow son Tho

18-Aug 1703 Richard Cock son Anthony

born Aug 18 not bapt
29-Aug 1703 Constance Williams dau Richard

17-Jul 1703 Stephen Pollard son Peter

Date out of order
18-Oct 1703 Grace Rickard dau Henry

14-Nov 1703 Jane Cundy dau John

05-Dec 1703 Richard Oliver base child Jane

27-Dec 1703

No other names given
09-Jan 1703 Anne Luke dau John

23-Jan 1703 Will Hawkey son Anth

02-Feb 1703 Anthony James son Rich

14-Feb 1703 Samuel Thomas son Philip

24-Feb 1703 Thomas Andrew son Tho

22-Feb 1703 Thomas Flammock son John

26-Mar 1703 Charity Jolly dau Henry

02-Apr 1704 John Polsew son William

07-Apr 1704 Will Williams son Patrick

09-Apr 1704 Jane Merrwill dau Tho

09-Apr 1704 Florence Williams dau James

15-May 1704 Dorothy Len dau Michael

11-Jun 1704 Rennatus Cole son John

21-Jul 1704 Philippa Jenkin dau James

13-Aug 1704 James Cole son Tiburt

05-Sep 1704 Mary Hoskyn dau Peter

02-Oct 1704 Katherine Cundy dau Humphrey

19-Oct 1704 Anthony Cock son Anth

01-Nov 1704 Philip Warren son Nic

17-Nov 1704 Bawden Woodman son Joseph

26-Nov 1704 Joseph Bond son Richard

27-Dec 1704 John Varcoe son John

03-Jan 1704 Dorothy Beswallow dau Tho

03-Jan 1704 Dorothy Beswallow dau Stephen

28-Jan 1704 Thomas Varcoe son Robert

02-Feb 1704 Mary Parnel dau Tho

13-Feb 1704 Frances Hobb dau Nic

20-Mar 1704 Richard Cundy son John

15-Apr 1705 James Bice son Nick

28-Apr 1705 Anne Morrice dau Tho

30-Apr 1705 Robert Varcoe son Robert

20-May 1705 Dorothy Cundy dau Nath

05-Jun 1705 Charles Foss son Charles

17-Jun 1705 Mary Gumor dau Will

18-Jun 1705 Peter Row son John

22-Jun 1705 Richard Cundy son Philip

22-Jul 1705 Abigail Woon dau Robert

08-Oct 1705 Mary Grose dau Nic

13-Oct 1705 John Cornish son Edward

01-Nov 1705
Williams dau James

No christian name given
30-Nov 1705 Margaret Thomas dau Philip

16-Dec 1705 John Rawlin son Will

26-Dec 1705 Grace Williams dau John

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Transcriptions courtesy of Sue Boyland

Last Updated on 17 July 2013 (An entry changed after review)

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