St Enoder Baptisms 1763 to 1782
Day Month Year Forename Surname Sex Father Forename Mother Forename Abode Father Occupation Register Notes Transcriber Notes
01-Jan 1763 John Hooper son Richard Isabell

06-Mar 1763 Mary Rickard dau William Elizabeth

11-Mar 1763 Frances Clemowe dau Nicolas Elizabeth

26-Mar 1763 William Cock son William Margaret

27-Mar 1763 Ann Osborne dau John Jane

01-Apr 1763 Thomas Carveth Lyddicott base son

01-May 1763 John Gilberd son Philip Joan

02-May 1763 Ralph Bullock son Stephen Frances

02-May 1763 Grace? Strangman dau George Catherine

Left hand side of Christian name cut off
08-May 1763 Jane? Jane dau Robert Jane

Left hand side of Christian name cut off
13-May 1763 John Andrew son Walter Mary

06-Oct 1763 Philippa Truscott dau James Ann

16-Oct 1763 Richard Pellamounter son Robert Catherine

23-Oct 1763 Mary Basset dau John Mary

26-Nov 1763 Elizabeth Jolley dau James Philippa

31-Dec 1763 Philippa Bice dau Malachi Philippa

14-Jan 1764 Patience? Jeffery dau Henry Susanna

Left hand side of Christian name cut off
30-Jan 1764 Nicholas Francis son James Jane

05-Mar 1764
Williams dau William Joan

Left hand side of Christian name cut off
13-Apr 1764 Jane Gummow dau John Mary

23-Apr 1764 Jane Bray dau Anthony Elizabeth

30-Apr 1764 George Pinch son George Philly

02-May 1764 Ann Tamlyn dau William Ann

30-Jun 1764 Walter Chipman son John Ann

22-Jul 1764 Elizabeth Gummoe dau William Elizabeth

22-Jul 1764 Frances Slade dau John Honour

29-Jul 1764 Elizabeth Poole dau Richard Margaret

11-Aug 1764 Ann Rowe dau Sampson Thomasin

16-Aug 1764 John Roberts Clemoe base son

25-Aug 1764 Charles Francis son Nicholas Ann

08-Sep 1764 Philippa Bullock dau John Susannah

15-Sep 1764 Richard Hooper son John Eliza

16-Sep 1764 Elizabeth Staple dau John Catherine

22-Sep 1764 William Staple son Peter Honour

24-Sep 1764 Patience Courteney dau Nicolas Ann

05-Oct 1764 Elizabeth Truscott dau James Ann

05-Nov 1764 Jane Parken dau William Elizabeth

06-Nov 1764 John Lundy Johns base child

05-Nov 1764 Ann Cock dau William Margaret

Date out of order
16-Dec 1764 Mary Slade dau John Mary

27-Dec 1764 John Poole son Richard Mary

01-Jan 1765 Catherine Mitchell dau Isaak Jane

15-Jan 1765 Thomas Bullock son George Elizabeth

02-Feb 1765 Jinifer Henwood dau Peter Elizabeth

17-Feb 1765 Benjamin Snell son Samuel Dorothy

30-Mar 1765 Edward Tregenza son John Susannah

02-Apr 1765 Walter Hooper son Richard Isabell

28-Apr 1765 Margaret Gatley dau John Ann

29-Apr 1765 Catherine Bennet dau Edward Catherine

14-May 1765 Ann Varcoe dau Robert Joan

07-Jun 1765 William Jolley son James Philippa

13-Jun 1765 John Bennet Clerk son John Philippa

born June 6th Privately baptised ye 18th received into Church Augst 9th Clerk may be the occupation, though occupations have not been given for other father's at this time.
19-Jun 1765 Thos Hamm son Richard Jane

23-Jun 1765 John Strongman son George Catherine

21-Jul 1765 John Tregilgas son John Jane

28-Jul 1765 John Beele son James Dorothy

03-Aug 1765 Edmund Bullock son Joseph Mary

14-Sep 1765 Joseph Smith base child

22-Sep 1765 Ann Pellamounter dau Robert Catherine

23-Sep 1765 Joseph Hooper son George Mary

23-Sep 1765 Mary Hooper dau George Mary

20-Sep 1765 John Basset son John Mary

Date out of order
19-Oct 1765 James Gilberd son Phillip Joan

29-Nov 1765 Ann Bice dau Malachi Philippa

27-Dec 1765 William Whetter son Edward Frances

01-Jan 1766 Stephen Woone son Joseph Joan

10-Jan 1766 William Gummoe son John Mary

08-Feb 1766 Jane Hawke dau George Jane

23-Feb 1766 Ann Courteney dau Nicolas Ann

28-Feb 1766 Agnes Gummoe dau William Elizabeth

Child's name difficult to read
28-Feb 1766 Richard Ferril son Charles Mary Newlyn

06-Mar 1766 Thomas Andrew son Joseph Mary

Privately baptised
31-Mar 1766 Philip Parker son Matthew Mary

01-Jun 1766 William Tamlyn son William Ann

03-Jul 1766 Martha Letcher dau William Mary

11-Sep 1766 Amy Francis dau Nicolas Ann

02-Oct 1766 Philippa Bennet Clerk dau John Philippa

Privately baptised born Sep 20th recd into Church Nov ? Clerk may be the occupation?
04-Oct 1766 Jane Rogers dau John Mary

17-Oct 1766 William Williams son William Joan

08-Nov 1766 James Roberts son John Jane

18-Nov 1766 John Varcoe son Robert Joan

21-Nov 1766 John Martyn son John Philippa

26-Dec 1766 Edward Mitchell son Edward Margaret

29-Dec 1766 Ann Jane dau Robert Jane

Privately baptised
01-Jan 1767 Peter Henwood son Peter Elizabeth

17-Jan 1767 Ann Beele dau John Dorothy

21-Jan 1767 John Cock son John Grace

23-Jan 1767 Andrew Hooper son John Elizabeth

17-Feb 1767 John Basset son Richard Elizabeth

06-Mar 1767 Thomas Cock son William Margaret

13-Mar 1767 William Rowe son Sampson Thomasin

13-Apr 1767 Sarah Edwards dau John Sarah

03-May 1767 Christian Bellman dau John Mary

03-May 1767 Richard Dorant son William Mary

04-May 1767 Mary Symons dau Mark Mary

04-May 1767 Catherine Jolley dau James Philippa

04-May 1767 John Thomas son John Jane

05-Jun 1767 Benjamin Stephens son Benjamin Joan

of the Parish of Werrington
08-Jun 1767 John Bruff Jeffery son Henry Susannah

15-Jun 1767 Richard Poole son Richard Mary

13-Sep 1767 Eusebius Williams son Eusebius Elizabeth

20-Sep 1767 Jane Mitchel dau Isaac Jane

11-Oct 1767 William Saundry son William Prudence

18-Oct 1767 Mary Andrew dau Joseph Mary

08-Nov 1767 John Slade son John Mary

19-Nov 1767 Mary Andrew dau Walter Mary

21-Nov 1767 Philippa Bassett dau John Mary

28-Dec 1767 John Truscot son James Anne

31-Dec 1767 Richard Snell son Samuel Dorothy

15-Feb 1768 Joan Varco dau Robert Joan

11-Apr 1768 Zaccheus Andrew Bice son Malachi Philippa

02-May 1768 Jane Gilbert dau Philip Joan

02-May 1768 Mary Brenten dau William Frances

06-Jul 1768 Dorothy Hooper dau George Mary

21-Jul 1768 Jane Hooper dau Richard Isabella

20-Aug 1768 Jane Gummoe dau John Mary

22-Aug 1768 Grace Bassett dau Richard Elizabeth

02-Sep 1768 Amy Firkin dau Thomas Mary

04-Sep 1768 William Glanvil son William Jane

14-Sep 1768 Nicholas Courtney son Nicholas Ann

18-Sep 1768 Jane James dau Richard Lydia Battin

Wm Hocker Vicar
25-Sep 1768 Matthew Pope son Joseph Margaret

21-Oct 1768 John Tregenza son John Susanna

23-Oct 1768 Elizabeth Chipman dau John Ann

20-Nov 1768 John Andrew son Walter Mary

01-Jan 1769 William Williams son William Joan

02-Jan 1769 William Tregilgas son John Jane

02-Jan 1769 Elizabeth Williams dau John Mary

15-Jan 1769 Margaret Perry dau Bennet Ann

19-Feb 1769 Edward Whetter son Edward Frances

05-Mar 1769 Dorcas Harris base child

15-Mar 1769 John Mitchell son Isaac Jane

17-Mar 1769 Francis Francis son Nicholas Ann

17-Mar 1769 Robert Jane son Robert Jane

26-Mar 1769 Thomas Cock son John Grace

27-Mar 1769 Elizabeth Woon dau Joseph Joan

28-Mar 1769 Richard Retallack son Francis Mary

29-Mar 1769 Thomas Edwards son John Sarah

02-Apr 1769 Grace Coad dau Henry Matilda

06-Jun 1769 John Hocker son Willm Frances
Vicar He was born May ye 8th
16-Jun 1769 Jinifer Jolley dau James Philippa

24-Jun 1769 William Andrew son Thomas Ann

30-Jul 1769 Robert Varco son Robert Joan

13-Aug 1769 John Andrew son Joseph Mary

10-Sep 1769 Mary Beele dau John Dorothy

17-Sep 1769 John Henwood son Peter Elizabeth

18-Sep 1769 Samuel Symons son Mark Mary

Wm Hocker, Vicar
23-Sep 1769 Abraham Bullock son George Elizabeth

10-Oct 1769 James Bellman son John Mary

22-Oct 1769 Catherine Thomas dau John Grace

26-Dec 1769 John Luke son John Ann

12-Jan 1770 John Cock son William Margaret

21-Jan 1770 Richard Poole son Richard Mary

30-Jan 1770 Thomas Firkin son Thomas Mary

08-Feb 1770 Peter Basset son John Mary

13-Feb 1770 Richard Parken son William Elizabeth

16-Mar 1770 Richard Gilbert son Philip Joan

02-Apr 1770 Henry Bettison son Edward Susanna

25-Apr 1770 Ann Truscot dau James Ann

30-Apr 1770 John Williams son Eusebius Elizabeth

30-Apr 1770 Samuel Rowe son Sampson Thomasin

30-Apr 1770 Samuel Whetta son George Elizabeth

09-May 1770 Robert Strongman son George Catherine

31-May 1770 Mary Jeffery dau Henry Susanna

05-Jun 1770 Francis Retallack son Francis Mary

05-Jun 1770 Daniel Mackingtosh son Daniel Ann

30-Jun 1770 John Staple son Peter Honour

John has been scratched over
07-Jul 1770 Ann Jolly dau William Elizabeth

30-Jul 1770 Grace Bassett dau Richard Elizabeth

30-Jul 1770 Joanna Bassett dau Richard Elizabeth

04-Aug 1770 Joan Mullies dau Francis Elizabeth

16-Aug 1770 Ann Perry dau Bennet Ann

16-Aug 1770 Margaret Perry dau Bennet Ann

Willm Hocker, Vicar
02-Sep 1770 Elizabeth Gatly dau William Elizabeth

22-Sep 1770 Henry Scoble son Thomas Elizabeth

21-Oct 1770 Elizabeth Parkins dau Charles Joyce Colan

28-Dec 1770 Joan Varcoe dau Robert Joan

10-Jan 1771 Sarah Sowden dau John Mary

20-Jan 1771 Grace Tregilgas dau John Jane

27-Jan 1771 James Julyan son John Jane

03-Feb 1771 Elizabeth Courtney dau Nicholas Ann

09-Feb 1771 Margaret Hawke dau George Jane

17-Feb 1771 Elizabeth Brenten dau William Frances

17-Feb 1771 Jinifer Murlin dau Richard Elizabeth

01-Mar 1771 James Tamlyn son William Ann

02-Mar 1771 Mary Coal dau John Grace

02-Apr 1771 Jane Slade dau John Mary

04-Apr 1771 Peter Buddle Abbot son David Rose

29-Apr 1771 Rebecca Snell dau Samuel Dorothy

19-May 1771 George Whetta son George Elizabeth

26-May 1771 Mary Luke dau John Ann

09-Jun 1771 Jinifer Williams dau William Joan

14-Jun 1771 Richard Strongman son Richard Ann

15-Jun 1771 Mary Firkin dau Thomas Mary

27-Jun 1771 Ann Symons dau Mark Mary

18-Aug 1771 Thomas Tonkyn son Thomas Honour

18-Aug 1771 Ann Andrew dau Thomas Ann

25-Aug 1771 Mary Truscott dau James Ann

06-Oct 1771 Grace Thomas dau John Grace

03-Nov 1771 Thomas Hotten son John Elizabeth

Willm Hocker, Vicar
01-Dec 1771 Richard Cock son John Grace

26-Dec 1771 William Bellman son John Mary

26-Dec 1771 Philippa Chipman dau John Ann

28-Feb 1772 William Hocker son William Frances
Vicar He was born on the 24th instant?
28-Feb 1772 Grace Bettison dau Edward Susanna

01-Mar 1772 Mary Williams dau John Mary

22-Mar 1772 Margaret Williams dau Eusebius Elizabeth

22-Mar 1772 Prudence Hooper dau George Mary

28-Mar 1772 Nicholas Bice son Malachi Philippa

30-Mar 1772 Mary Hooper dau Richard Isabella

27-Apr 1772 Walter Andrew son Walter Mary

03-May 1772 Richard Cock son William Margaret

03-May 1772 Elizabeth Andrew dau Joseph Mary

27-Jun 1772 Frances Jolley dau James Philippa

04-Jul 1772 John Gummoe son John Mary

11-Jul 1772 William Gilbert son Philip Joan

13-Jul 1772 Mary Henwood dau Peter Elizabeth

08-Aug 1772 Elizabeth Coal dau John Grace

16-Aug 1772 Richard Retallack son Francis Mary

12-Sep 1772 Peter Perry son Bennet Ann

16-Sep 1772 Elizabeth Lenn dau Michael Sarah

25-Sep 1772 Christian Nichols dau Richard Mary

30-Oct 1772 Elizabeth Knight base dau

30-Oct 1772 Richard Bassett son Richard Elizabeth

30-Oct 1772 John Sweet son John Philippa

05-Nov 1772 Thomas Francis son Nicholas Mary

05-Nov 1772 Jane Scoble dau Thomas Elizabeth

07-Nov 1772 Thomas Pearce son William Ann

14-Dec 1772 John Flamank son Willm Jane

30-Jan 1773 Joseph Varcoe son Robert Joan

18-Feb 1773 Jane Julyan dau John Jane

22-Mar 1773 John Murlin son Richard Elizabeth

09-Apr 1773 Philip Luke son John Ann

16-Apr 1773 Elizabeth Lifechild dau Horatio Eleanor

23-Apr 1773 James Strongman son Richard Ann

25-Apr 1773 Christian Sowden dau John Mary

04-May 1773 Joan Ferkyn dau Thomas Mary

04-May 1773 John Whetta son George Elizabeth

12-Jun 1773 William Jolly son William Elizabeth

18-Jun 1773 Philippa Parken dau William Elizabeth

18-Jul 1773 Joseph Andrew son Joseph Mary

14-Aug 1773 Margaret Andrew dau Thomas Ann

19-Aug 1773 Thomas Bettison base child

14-Oct 1773 Matthew Staple son Peter Honour

16-Oct 1773 Mary Nichols dau Richard Mary

21-Oct 1773 Thomas Sarah base child

05-Nov 1773 Thomas Bellman son John Mary

07-Nov 1773 Thomas Martin son Thomas Jane

14-Nov 1773 Dorothy Snell dau Samuel Dorothy

27-Nov 1773 Mary Curtis dau John Elizabeth

19-Dec 1773 John Williams son William Joan

01-Jan 1774 Jane Brenter dau William Frances

07-Feb 1774 Elizabeth Hotten dau John Elizabeth

19-Feb 1774 Edward Bettison son Edward Susanna

Willm Hocker, Vicar
01-Mar 1774 Francis Lenn son Michael Sarah

24-Mar 1774 Samuel Glanvil son William Jane

03-May 1774 William Tiller son Samuel Mary

03-May 1774 Grace Coal dau John Grace

04-Jun 1774 Grace Jolly dau James Philippa

18-Jun 1774 William Tregilgas son John Jane

11-Jul 1774 Nicholas Henwood son Peter Elizabeth

19-Sep 1774 Sarah Drake base dau

20-Sep 1774 Jean Francis dau Nicholas Mary

25-Sep 1774 William Truscott dau James Ann

21-Oct 1774 Jinifer Rowe dau Sampson Thomasin

11-Nov 1774 John Gay son Richard Mary

11-Nov 1774 Elizabeth Bassett dau Richard Elizabeth

11-Nov 1774 Elizabeth Williams dau Eusebius Elizabeth

27-Nov 1774 Benjamin Gatley son William Jane

23-Dec 1774 Benjamin Snell son Samuel Dorothy

01-Jan 1775 Mary Varcoe twin dau Robert Jane

01-Jan 1775 Grace Varcoe twin dau Robert Jane

04-Jan 1775 Thomas Sweet son John Philippa

07-Jan 1775 Nancy Pearce dau William Ann

08-Jan 1775 William Lifechild twin son Horatio Eleanor

08-Jan 1775 James Lifechild twin son Horatio Eleanor

14-Jan 1775 William Scoble son Thomas Elizabeth

01-Feb 1775 James Retallack son Francis Mary

03-Mar 1775 William Julyan son John Jane

19-Mar 1775 James Cock son William Margaret

10-Apr 1775 Margaret Cock dau John Grace

18-Apr 1775 Charles Gummow son John Mary

01-May 1775 William Luke son John Ann

02-May 1775 Grace Whetta dau George Elizabeth

04-Jun 1775 John Thomas son John Grace

Willm Hocker, Vicar
17-Jun 1775 John Bettison son Henry Mary Colan

03-Aug 1775 Peter Staple son John Catherine

17-Sep 1775 Mary Parken dau William Elizabeth

01-Oct 1775 Christian Bellman dau John Mary

02-Oct 1775 Constance Tonkyn dau Thomas Honour

03-Oct 1775 Thomas Andrew son Thomas Ann

23-Oct 1775 Joseph Andrew son Joseph Mary

03-Dec 1775 Elizabeth Hooper dau George Mary

01-Feb 1776 Mary Tiller dau Samuel Mary

09-Feb 1776 John Bassett son John Ann

29-Feb 1776 Catherine Coal dau John Grace

02-Mar 1776 John Williams twin son Stephen Alice

02-Mar 1776 Thomas Williams twin son Stephen Alice

08-Mar 1776 Mary Martin dau Thomas Jane

12-Mar 1776 Elizabeth Staple dau Peter Honour

10-Apr 1776 Frances Wetta dau Edward Sarah

29-Apr 1776 Edward Ferkyn son Thomas Mary

30-Apr 1776 Ann Brenter dau William Frances

01-May 1776 Richard Bettison son Edward Susanna

27-May 1776 James Woon son Joseph Joan

02-Jun 1776 James Curtis son John Elizabeth

02-Jun 1776 Benjamin Roberts son James Elizabeth

05-Jun 1776 Elizabeth Slade dau John Mary

07-Jul 1776 Isabell Andrew Sowden dau John Mary

10-Aug 1776 John Murlin son Richard Elizabeth

18-Aug 1776 Joan Perry dau Bennet Ann

19-Aug 1776 George Langdon son George Susanna

25-Aug 1776 James Thomas son John Jane

27-Sep 1776 Jacob Hotten son John Elizabeth

27-Sep 1776 Mary Hotten dau John Elizabeth

28-Sep 1776 Mary Jolly dau William Elizabeth

Willm Hocker, Vicar
13-Oct 1776 Thomas Brown son George Grace

19-Oct 1776 Philippa Williams dau William Joan

30-Nov 1776 James Clemowe son John Mary

14-Dec 1776 Francis Francis son Nicholas Mary

07-Jan 1777 Joseph Gatley son William Jane

11-Jan 1777 Joseph Pope son Joseph Margaret

02-Feb 1777 Elizabeth Bettison dau Edward Mary

02-Feb 1777 Margaret Varco dau William Tabitha

07-Feb 1777 Thomas Tregilgas son John Jane

11-Feb 1777 Catherine Luke dau John Ann

13-Feb 1777 William Bassett son John Ann

26-Mar 1777 William Parkyn son John Philippa

09-Apr 1777 William Bassett son Richard Elizabeth

28-Apr 1777 Richard Gummow son John Mary

28-Apr 1777 Jane Williams dau Eusebius Elizabeth

28-Apr 1777 Nicholas Scoble son Thomas Elizabeth

William crossed out replaced with Nicholas
05-Apr 1777 Richard Thomas son John Grace

Date out of order
30-Apr 1777 James Lifechild son Horatio Eleanor

02-May 1777 Samuel May son Francis Elizabeth

14-May 1777 Ann Pool dau Richard Mary

04-Jul 1777 John Jolley son James Philippa

26-Jul 1777 Thomas Pearce son Thomas Jane

10-Aug 1777 Elizabeth Langdon dau George Elizabeth

23-Aug 1777 Thomas Jenkyn Martyn base child

24-Aug 1777 Frances Slade dau John Thomasin

21-Sep 1777 Catherine Osborn dau Joseph Catherine

27-Sep 1777 William Sweet son William Alice

06-Oct 1777 John Retallack son Francis Mary

11-Oct 1777 John Jane son Peter Elizabeth

14-Oct 1777 Grace Williams dau Thomas Catherine

26-Oct 1777 Ann Shepherd dau Mark Ann

05-Nov 1777 John Andrew son Thomas Ann

15-Jan 1778 Jinifer Champion dau John Elizabeth

29-Jan 1778 Jane Martyn dau Thomas Jane

09-Feb 1778 Thomas Varco son Robert Joan

19-Feb 1778 Elizabeth Clemow dau John Mary

24-Feb 1778 Richard Salmon son John Mary

21-Mar 1778 Margaret Nancarrow dau James Joan

11-Apr 1778 Ann Rickard dau William Ann

04-May 1778 Mark Jacob Snell son Samuel Dorothy

04-May 1778 William Flamank son William Jane

06-May 1778 Elizabeth Bettison dau Edwd Susanna

02-Aug 1778 Tabitha Varco dau William Tabitha

05-Nov 1778 Ann Cole dau John Grace

17-Nov 1778 Samuel Pentire Parkyn son John Philippa

28-Nov 1778 James Hicks son Thomas Prudence

26-Dec 1778 Joseph Sweet son John Philippa

27-Dec 1778 William Williams son Stephen Alice

Thomas crossed out for father's name
29-Dec 1778 Jane Gilbert dau Philip Joan

17-Jan 1779 John Sowden son John Mary

31-Jan 1779 Abel Pearce son Thomas Jane

10-Feb 1779 Elizabeth Champion dau John Elizabeth

27-Feb 1779 John Perry son Bennett Ann

12-Mar 1779 Ann Shepherd dau Mark Ann

14-Mar 1779 Frances Brenter dau William Frances

Willm Hocker, Vicar
24-Mar 1779 Elizabeth Nancarrow dau James Joan

28-Mar 1779 Mary Francis dau Nicholas Mary

31-Mar 1779 Thomas Williams son Thomas Catherine

06-Apr 1779 Mary Francis dau John Mary

03-May 1779 John Osborne base son

03-May 1779 John Rickard son John Ann

03-May 1779 Elizabeth Scoble dau Thomas Elizabeth

06-Jun 1779 Thomas Ellery base son

18-Jul 1779 Mary Bettison dau Edward Mary

29-Jul 1779 Mary Pope dau Joseph Margaret

31-Jul 1779 Jinifer Jane dau Peter Elizabeth

29-Aug 1779 John Thomas son John Grace

20-Sep 1779 John Roberts son James Elizabeth

05-Nov 1779 Elizabeth Rickard dau William Ann

06-Nov 1779 Honour Staple dau John Catherine

27-Nov 1779 Elizabeth Jolly dau William Elizabeth

11-Dec 1779 Mary Gummow dau John Mary

21-Dec 1779 Jinifer Lifechild dau Horatio Eleanor

27-Dec 1779 Thomasin Slade dau John Mary

28-Dec 1779 John Clemow twin son John Mary

28-Dec 1779 Francis Clemow twin son John Mary

02-Jan 1780 Grace Tonkin dau Thomas Honour

03-Jan 1780 John Cole Varco son William Tabitha

04-Jan 1780 Joseph Andrew son Thomas Ann

23-Jan 1780 Francis James son Richard Elizabeth

16-Feb 1780 Mary Wills base dau

14-Mar 1780 James Rowse son Willm Jane

20-Mar 1780 Elizabeth Henwood dau Richard Margaret

01-May 1780 Richard Langdon son George Susanna

02-May 1780 Ellick Gatly son William Jane

04-Jun 1780 Walter Staple son John Catherine

23-Jun 1780 Jinifer Thomas dau Henry Catherine

08-Jul 1780 Thomas Trewithick son William Honour

08-Jul 1780 Thomas Bassett son Richard Elizabeth

09-Jul 1780 Elizabeth Martyn dau Thomas Jane

13-Sep 1780 James Nancarrow son James Joan

17-Sep 1780 Elizabeth Sweet dau George Elizabeth

10-Oct 1780 John Parkin son John Philippa

24-Oct 1780 Honour Trenerry base dau John Julyan Jun Ann

24-Oct 1780 Jane Francis dau John Mary

26-Dec 1780 Joseph Grigg son Jacob Philippa

29-Dec 1780 Amy Knight dau Frederick Grace

05-Feb 1781 Richard Henwood son Richard Margaret

12-Mar 1781 Philippa Francis dau Nicholas Mary Mitchel

24-Mar 1781 Elizabeth Hicks dau Thomas Prudence

24-Mar 1781 Thomas Scoble son Thomas Elizabeth

27-Mar 1781 Nicholas Bassett son John Ann

02-Apr 1781 John Cole son John Grace

16-Apr 1781 Richard Williams son Stephen Alice

22-Apr 1781 John Tippet son Walter Ann

24-May 1781 Elizabeth Jane dau Peter Elizabeth

18-Jun 1781 Mary Sweet dau John Philippa

23-Jun 1781 Elizabeth Morkam dau John Elizabeth

02-Sep 1781 Robert Julyan son John Jane

Willm Hocker, Vicar
26-Sep 1781 Samuel Thomas son John Grace

16-Nov 1781 Ann Merrifield twin dau John Catherine

16-Nov 1781 Julian Merrifield twin dau John Catherine

23-Nov 1781 George Henwood son William Ann

26-Dec 1781 Ann Warne dau William Mary

16-Jan 1782 Ann Pearce dau Thomas Jane

03-Feb 1782 John Flamank son William Jane

10-Feb 1782 Jane Nancarrow dau James Joan

18-Feb 1782 John Oliver son John Ann

08-Mar 1782 John Bassett son Richd Mary

20-Mar 1782 Mary Clemow dau John Mary

21-Mar 1782 Richard Jolly son William Elizabeth

21-Mar 1782 Eleanor Lifechild dau Horatio Eleanor

21-Mar 1782 John Hooper son John Charity

01-Apr 1782 William Rowse son William Jane

06-Apr 1782 Philippa Francis dau John Mary

29-Apr 1782 Mary James dau Richard Elizabeth

09-Jul 1782 Richard Thomas James son William Elizabeth

09-Jul 1782 Ann Bennett dau Edwd Ann

28-Jul 1782 Richard Williams son Stephen Alice

03-Aug 1782 Grace Rickard dau Willm Ann

04-Aug 1782 Honour Benny dau Willm Ann

03-Sep 1782 Thomas Glanvil son William Jane

22-Sep 1782 Grace Martyn dau Thomas Jane

26-Oct 1782 William Champion son John Elizabeth

03-Nov 1782 Fanny Tonkyn dau Thomas Honour

Willm Hocker, Vicar
05-Nov 1782 Mary Henwood dau Richard Margaret

26-Dec 1782 Grace Brenter dau William Frances


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Transcriptions by Sue Boyland
Last Updated on 9th March 2011 (some corrections)
By Mark Jose

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