Vestry Minutes St Enoder 1846 (3)
March 27th 1846
Annual Vestry
At a Vestry held in the Vestry Room of St Enoder, held on the above day the following resolutions were adopted
That the Overseers a/c be allowed
That the Waywardens a/c for the past year be allowed & a 3d penny rate ?c------? ?--? 2d be collected
That the Churchwardens a/c be allowed
That Messrs. Glanville and Luke Bice be Guardians
That Messrs. J. ?. Johns & Wm. Langdon be Churchwardens for the coming year
That Messrs. J Glanville and Luke Bice be Overseers for the coming year
That Messrs. Richard Osborne and Richd. Williams be Waywardens for the coming year
That Messrs. Henry Johns and Robt.? Vincent be Assessors
S. M. Walker Chairman
?. Bassett
Wm. Langdon
John M Johns
Peter Priske
At a subsequent meeting of the persons assembed at the Annual Vesry held at the “Nelsons Arms”, the following resolutions were duly proposed and seconded: viz:
That a penny subscription rate on the rateable value of the Parish as assessed to the poor rate be collected at Midsummer? feast? for the purpose of defraying? such expenses as a Committee appointed by this meeting shall think proper
That this Committee do consist of the following persons
Wm Langdon (?----- and Chairman), James Glanville, Luke Bice, J. ?. Johns, Mr. T. Bassett, any three of whom shall be a quorum.
That Chypraze Mine? be rated at £250 on the last years rates
M.S. Bassett Chairman
Luke Bice James Glanville
Wm. Langdon Jr. Richd. Henwood
Charles Bice Mark Richards
J. ?. Johns Robert Vincent
Wm. Langdon James Clemowe
John C Varcoe
At the same time a resolution to the following effect was entered into
That the Committee employed on the p-----? ?-va--? do present their accounts weekly? to the Assist. Overseer for the purpose of being entered in the Way Account. & that the signature or initials of the Way Wardens to such a/c be inde—inally re—ss---y before such a/c be accepted by the Asst. Overseer
M.S Bassett Chairman
John H Johns James Glanville
John C Varcoe Fras. Bice
Charles Bice Robt. Vincent
Last Updated on 15 May 2015
By Mark Jose