St Enoder Vestry Minutes 1847 (4)
At a meeting of the inhabitants of the parish of Saint Enoder, duly convened by public Notice on Friday the 23rd day of July, 1847, for the purpose of considering the perpriety of erecting two Bridges in the aforesaid parish – one at Rosewyn and the other at Quarry, the following resolutions were proposed & duly seconded :- viz
That the Surveyors do create a new ford? bridge at Quarry about 3 feet wide or thereabouts, comprised of one or two stones for fording the stream
Proposed by Mr Wm. Langdon Junr. and seconded by Mr Geo. Bassett.
That the Surveyors do give notice to Mr Bassett to put a new gate, of a fair width, at Rosewyn river? & that they further improve the foot-way bridge at the same place, in a similar manner to Quarry bridge. A S(wimming)? Rack is also recommended to be placed over the stream, below the gate.
Proposed by Mr Geo. Bassett & seconded by Mr W. Langdon
James Langdon Chairman
William Langdon
Peter Priske
George Bassett
William Varcoe
Edward Brokenshire
The footbridge at Rosewyn
Last Updated on 26 May 2015
By Mark Jose