St Enoder Vestry Minutes 1848 (4)
At a Vestry held on Monday the 5th day of June 1848 pursuant to public notice the following resolutions were proposed and carried :-
That the consideration of affixing an electrical conductor to the Tower be postponed to Tuesday the 13th day of June inst.
Present - James Glanville (Chairman)
Wm. Langdon
Mark Richards
Wm ?-----
Thos. Andrew
Richd. Henwood
James? Clemow
At the Adjourned Vestry held in pursuant of the foregoing resolution on Tuesday the 13th of June 1848 the Churchwardens were requested to proceed with placing an electrical conductor composed of Copper to the Tower
S.M. Walker (Chairman)
Last Updated on 25 May 2015
By Mark Jose