ST. ENODER is a parish 2½ miles south-south-west from St. Columb Road station on the Newquay branch and 5 north from Grampound Road station on the Great Western railway, 7 north-by-east from Truro and 5 south-south-west from St. Columb: the parish is in the Northern division of the county, and in the hundred and petty sessional division of Pydar, county court district of Newquay and rural district of St. Austell, rural deanery of Pydar, archdeaconry of Cornwall and diocese of Truro. The river Gannel rises in this parish, which also affords the chief source of the river Fal. The church of St. Enoder is an ancient building of granite in the Early Decorated and Perpendicular styles, consisting of chancel with aisles, nave of four bays, aisles, north transept, south porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, containing 8 bells: the tower was partly rebuilt in 1686: there is a Norman font and some good bench ends: there are monuments to Dorothy (Arundell), wife of Anthony Tanner, gent. ob. 1634; to Anthony Tanner, ob. 1742, erected by George Penwarne; to John Freseyse, yeoman, 16-6, and a number of modern date: at the east end is a memorial window erected by the parishioners, to the Rev. Samuel M. Walker, rector from 1828: a new organ was provided in 1896 at a cost of £250, in memory of the Rev. Jefferys Wilkins Murray M.A. rector from 1874-83: the church was thoroughly restored in 1870, the interior being refitted and three new windows added: there are sittings for 600 persons. The register dates from the year 1571. The living is a rectory, net income £378, including 20 acres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the Bishop of Truro, and held since 1925 by the Rev. John Ley Kempthorne A.K.C.L. who is a surrogate: the living is endowed with the great tithes of three fields only: the impropriate tithes amount to £463 yearly. There are Methodist chapels at Summercourt, Fraddon and Mitchell. In the parish are china clay works . Carvinick House, built by Anthony and Grace Tanner, in 1699, is now occupied as a farmhouse. The principal landowners are Viscount Falmouth, Capt. L.W. Bennet, the trustees of the late H. H. Williams esq. and Mrs. Trevor Carus-Wilson. The soil is loamy; subsoil, clay and spar. The chief crops are wheat, barley, oats, mangolds and potatoes. The area is 6,920 acres of land and inland water; the population in 1931 was 1,525 in the civil and 1,607 in the ecclesiastical parish

By the Cornwall Review Order, 1934, parts of this parish were transferred to the parishes of Ladock and Newlyn.

Post, M.O. & T. Office, Fraddon (letters should have Cornwall added)

MITCHELL, or St. Mitchell, formerly an ancient Parliamentary borough, is on the high road from Truro to St. Columb, 2½ miles south-west from the parish church, 2 south-east from Newlyn and 7 north-north-east from Truro: it is said to have been a town of considerable importance in the time of the Saxons, but has now dwindled down to a small village: the borough returned two members to Parliament from the 6th year of Edward VI. (1552), until it was disfranchised by the Reform Act of 1832. It was never incorporated, but was governed by a portreeve, annually elected by a jury at the court leet of the high lord. Among the parliamentary representatives of this borough may be named Richard Carew, the Cornish historian, Sir Walter Raleigh and Colonel Clive. The manor of Mitchell was, in the time of Edward I. the property of Walter de Raleigh, whose son Peter sold it to Ralph de Arundell. John de Arundell, in the year 1301, certified his right to a market or fair on his manor called “Modeshole” which appears to have been allowed in the same manner as it had been previously granted to his predecessor, Walter de Raleigh. There was formerly an ancient chapel here dedicated to St. Francis. Two fairs are held on the third Monday in May and the 15th of October for cattle and sheep.

By the Cornwall Review Order, 1934, Mitchell was transferred to the parish of Newlyn.

Post Office, Mitchell. Letters from Summercourt, nearest M.O. & T. office

SUMMERCOURT, a hamlet about three-quarters of a mile south from the church at St. Enoder, is intersected by the road from Truro to St. Columb. It has an annual pleasure fair, held on the 25th of September.

Post, M.O. & T. Office, Summercourt (letters should have Cornwall added)


(Marked thus * should be addressed Fraddon.)

(Marked thus † should be addressed Summercourt.)

(Marked thus ‡ should be addressed St. Stephen, St. Austell.)


°* Liddicoat Harry, frmr, Burthy row


* Bullock Mrs. Hart, Elm cottage

Lobb Leslie, farmer, Lower Penscawn

Bennetto Wm. motor omnibus propr

Kempthorne Rev. John Ley A.K.C.L. (rector, & surrogate), Rectory

Lutey Fred, farmer, Trenithan

Brenton Rd. M. boot repr

Martyn Hedley, Retew

°Matthews Jn. farmer, Nankervis (letters through Grampound Road)

Brenton Thos. farmer

Merrifield Gilbt. P. farmer, Gunnabarren

Bullock Ray, motor garage, Fraddon hl


Minear Ernest, smallholder, Retew

Clayton & Brown, physcns. & surgns. (attend tues. thurs. & sat. 11 a.m.; mon. & fri. 5p.m.) Clifton ho

Marked thus ° farm 150 acres or over.

°Mingo Jn. Simpson, frmr. Burthy

Consolidated Mines of Cornwall Ltd (New) (works)

Anchor China Syndicate Ltd. Retew

Nancarrow Enoder, motor car propr. Rock ho

Crowle Harry, farmer, Little Harvena

Banbury Jn. Stenlake, farmer, Rosewin

New Halwyn China Clay Co. (branch of English China Clays Ltd.), Retew

Halls Albert, boot repairer

Bettison Henry, farmer, Penrose Sophia

Osborne Jared Adolphe, farmer, Hendra

Hawkey Harris, motor garage

* Blue Anchor Inn

Penna Edgar Ernest, farmer, Trewheela

Hore R. B. & Sons, drapers. T N 1

Boundy Alfd. Smallholder, Melangoose, Retew

°Phillips Albt. farmer, Pencorse. Mitchell 32

Key Sidney, bldr. Osborne ho

Boundy Eliz. Ann (Mrs.), smallholder, Melador, Retew

* Polmounter Edwin R. clerk to the Parish Council, 3 Ridgewell ter

Lean Owen, farmer, Blue Anchor

° Brewer Fredk. Gordon, frmr. Ennis

Powell Harry, smallholder, Brighton (letters through Grampound Road)

Osborne & Sharp, haulage contrctrs. Queen's garage. T N 6

Burthy China Clay & Brick Co (branch of English China Clays Ltd)

Powell Jas. farmer, Nanpean

Sharp Clifford Hy. haulage contrctr. See Osborne & Sharp

Carlyon Thos. Edwd. farmer, Benallack

Reed Fredk. Chas. farmer, Resparva

Stafford-Moass Lionel, dentist (attends thurs. 3 p.m.)

Chegwidden Chas. smallholder, Little Resparva

°Richards Geo. farmer, Retyn

Yelland Norman, hairdresser

Clock Garage (The), garage proprs

°Richards Regnld. Jn. farmer. Goonhoskyn. Mitchell 26


Common Rd. farmer, Trefullock

Roberts Wm. farmer, Glebe


Currah Jas. Hy. farmer, Troan

°Rounsevell Eldred, farmer, Churchtown

Ball Preston, farmer

Delbridge Gordon, farmer, Bodanna

* Solomon Roy, smallholder, Higher Penhale

Ferris Gordon, carpenter

English China Clays, Lovering & Pochins Ltd. Retew

* Solomon Jas. dairyman, Lit. Penhale

Ferris Harold, blacksmith

°Gelbert Thos. farmer, Nantillio

Tabb Howard, smallholder, Barton

Hawke Chas. Hy. J.P. commssn. agt

* Goodman E. T. shopkpr

Tremaine Rd. farmer, Boswallow

Hawke Digby, mason

* Goodwin Edwd. gramophone dlr

°Ward Albt. Jn. frmr, Goonrounsen

Lock Thos. Hy. tobccnst

Goudge Eric Tremain, farmer, Troan

Wheal Benallack China Clay Co. Ltd. (branch of English China Clays Ltd.), Retew

Nancarrow M. (Miss), shopkpr

Gregor Chas. farmer, Halvenna

Wheal Retallick China Clay Co. Ltd. (branch of English China Clays Ltd.), Retew

Plume of Feathers P.H. (F. J. Brenton)

° Hawkey Bros. farmers, Trewinion

* Yelland Ada (Mrs.), shopkpr

* Yelland Geo. carpntr, Blue Anchor


* Hawkey Rt. Dunstan, frmr. Penhale

* Yelland Kerwin, blacksmith, Blue Anchor


* Hooper Ernest, haulier, Penhale garage. Fraddon 32

* Yelland Wm. farmer, Tresawna

Flanank Miss Mamie, Beacon house

Hore Stanley, farmer, Penrose Villa, Fraddon 24


°Hunt Edgar, farmer, Carvynick & Higher Penscawn


Burt Jn. mason

James Geo. farmer, Chytane

(For T N's see general list of Private Residents at end of book.)

Carhart Fredk. farmer

° Jelbert Jn. farmer, Arralles (letters through Ladock, Grampound Road)

Neal Rev. T.S. (Methodist), The Manse

Common Rd. farmer

Jenkin Wm. Hy. farmer, Brighton (letters through Grampound Road)

Osborne Rev. James, Madison

Currah Annie (Miss), shopkeeper

* Kaolin Corporation Ltd. china clay producers

Phillips Frederick, Louvain

Dyer Regnld. farmer

Eastcott Edwin H., L.R.C.P. & S. & surgn. (firm, Stewart & Eastcott) (attends tues. & fri. 1 p.m.

London Inn (Wm. Jas. Martin)

Nancarrow Enoder, cowkeeper

Nancarrow Herbert, grocer

Osborne Hugh, boot repr

Powell Wm. Jn. agricultural machine owner

Richards Philip, butcher

Rundle Jas. Sleeman, blacksmith

Stribley Wm. Alfd. Martin, cycle agt

Tamblyn Wm. Jas. sub-postmaster & manager of Labour Exchange. Mitchell 25

Trevarton Wm. Dyer J.P. & Sons. masons

Truscott Fredk. shopkpr

Truscott Samuel, cycle dealer

Williams Jn. carpntr


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Last Updated on 3rd December 2017
By Mark Jose

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